Quote of the Day!

Location Map of Visitors

Added this cool script ... thanks to Shantanu for telling me about it :)
Visitor Map

Saturday 7 July 2007

Swiss trip gets better!

Studying hard for JEE: Painful
Putting fight and getting foreign internship: hard work!
Waking up at 8 in the morning, after a late night movie: Barely manageable
Return ticket to Geneva Airport: Rs. 1600
Seeing your parents come out into the arrival lobby: Priceless!

Pretty much sums up my day today. Mamma and Pappa (Mom and Dad) arrived today in Switzerland for a vacation of 20 days and will be flying back to Mumbai with me on 26th of this month. It was a really great feeling to receive them at the airport (and unlike some other people, get there before they came :P). Won't really attempt to describe that moment ... was really special though.

Met them after more than 2 months - and will be spending the longest consecutive period with them, in the last 2 years or so - what a place to do it! Hope they have a great time here, roaming around this beautiful country - really missing Dadu (my elder brother) here :(


Shantanu said...

Man, I am suing you for multiple plagarism!
1. MasterCard Ad!
2. Airport dig!
3. Parents in Europe!
4. Missing elder Bro!

Cmux said...

I can imagine how great you must have felt seeing your parents come out of the arrival lobby :)

@shantanu: it isn't multiple plagiarism ... you can call it an adaptation from your post :D

Sangram said...

@shantanu: My post is "motivated" from other related literature.
@simit: :)

Sush said...

unlike some other people